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The Arts Need You
It’s all about commitment to the things you value in life. You don’t have to be particularly wealthy to become an Arts Patron. A patron can be defined as a “special guardian, protector or sustainer.” Financial support is vital to the survival of the Symphony, but there is no minimum amount of money required. As a matter of fact, we love small monthly gifts of $5 - $25 as much as a big fat check! The arts and our expressions of them are key to our very humanity. Your participation feeds your soul and makes the experience available to others – win-win!
Put Your Heart Into It
Not in a position to donate financially? That's OK! Your time and talents are just as valuable to us. The SJS has always been powered and empowered by volunteers. Your time, energy and ideas are invaluable to keeping the SJS vibrant and healthy. Leadership skills are needed from board guidance to peer fundraising to door greeters. To offer your particular skills or explore the possibilities, email or call 816-233-7701.
Come, and Bring a Friend
If you enjoy attending the Symphony, we invite you to take an active role in building an audience for the SJS. Simply attending performances shows tremendous support for the talented players and our music director who bring decades of mastering their craft to our stage for your uplift and enjoyment. There is no better promotion than word-of-mouth and better yet, the personal invitation of a friend. When the room is full – the energy brings both performers and audience members to life and takes the experience to the next level! Help get the word out about "the best kept secret in the arts in St. Joe"!